Accreditation of Ostia Management Pvt. Ltd.

Ostia Management Pvt. Ltd. is an Independent, Impartial and Proficient Certification Body established as per requirement of IS/ISO/IEC 17021-1-2015 (Conformity Assessment-Requirements for Bodies providing Audit and Certification of Management Systems) and provide IAS Accredited Management System Certification Services across the world. Ostia Management Pvt. Ltd. is a Company registered under the provisions of the Companies Act. Ostia Management offers Management System certification services across the world. Ostia Management is accredited certification body by IAS (full member of IAF), the accreditation granted to Ostia are as follows

  1. QMS: ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems)

  2. EMS: ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems)

  3. OH&SMS: ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems)

Detailed accreditation from IAS is available on or can be directly verified at